f Press coverage of nurses: Research and Analysis

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Press coverage of nurses: Research and Analysis

McGillis Hall, Linda & Jordana Kashin, (2016) "Public understanding of the role of nurses during Ebola", Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48 (1), 91-97, Sigma Theta Tau International.

Rodrigo José Martins Cardoso, João Manuel Garcia de Nascimento Graveto, Ana Maria Correia Albuquerque Queiroz, "The exposure of the nursing profession in online and print media," Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 22, no. 1 (Jan-Feb 2014): DOI: 10.1590/0104-1169.3144.2394.

Ten Hoeve Y., Jansen, G. & Roodbol P. (2014) The nursing profession: public image, self-concept and professional identity. A discussion paper. Journal of Advanced Nursing 70 (2), 295-309. doi: 10.1111/jan.12177 abstract or article in pdf.

Yvonne ten Hoeve, Gerard Jansen & Petrie Roodbol. (2014, February). The nursing profession: public image, self-concept and professional identity. A discussion paper. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70, (2) 295-309.

Maureen Shawn Kennedy, "That Time of Year Again," American Journal of Nursing113, no. 5 (May 2013): 7.

Rodrigo Cardoso, "Caring in Silence: The Voice of Nursing in Portugal", Interações number 22 (1st half 2012): 23-37. In Portuguese "Cuidar em Silêncio: a Voz da Enfermagem em Portugal" Interações, No 22 (1º semestre 2012): 23-37.88

Heilemann, MarySue, V. “Media Images and Screen Representations of Nurses,” Nursing Outlook, Volume 60, Issue 5 (September/October 2012).

Turow, Joseph. "Nurses and doctors in prime time series: The dynamics of depicting professional power," Nursing Outlook, Volume 60, Issue 5 (September/October 2012).

Winslow, Elizabeth H., RN, PhD, "We Silence Our Profession When We Fail to Identify Ourselves as Nurses," American Journal of Nursing: August 2012 - Volume 112 - Issue 8 - p 11.

Pedro Alcântara da Silva, "A Saúde nos Media. Representações do Sistema de Saúde e das Políticas Públicas na Imprensa Escrita Portuguesa.” Mundos Sociais, (Lisboa, 2011). A study of 2781 articles in three newspapers in Portugal between 1990 and 2004 found that nurses were sources of information in only 1.1% of the news pieces, appeared in 4.4% of article titles and were mentioned in 2.6% of the first-page health-related stories."

Oosthuizen, M.J. (2012) The portrayal of nursing in South African newspapers : a qualitative content analysis. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 14(1) pp. 49-62.

Maria Aparecida Baggio, and Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann, “The (in)visibility of caring and of the profession of nursing in the relations space,” Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 23, no. 6 (2010), 745-50. A qualitative study describing how nurses are ignored in the workplace.

Deborah A. Boyle, The Invisibility of Nursing: Implications From an Analysis of National Cancer Institute--Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center Web Sites, Oncology Nursing Forum, Oncology Nursing Society, Volume 37, Number 2 / March 2010, online, February 27, 2010.

The Nurses Rebel Against the Stereotypes. [Las Enfermeras Rebelan Contra el Clich�]. July 22, 2007. A Coruña Ciudad, El Ideal Gallego, p. 8.

Fletcher K. (2007) Image: changing how women nurses think about themselves. Journal of Advanced Nursing 58 (3), 207-215.

Takase M., Maude P. & Manias E. (2006). Impact of the perceived public image on nurses' work behaviour. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53 (3), 333-343.

Tzeng H.M. (2006). Testing a conceptual model of the image of nursing in Taiwan. International Journal of Nursing Studies 43, 755-765.

Boyington, A.R., Jones, C.J. and Wilson, D.L. (2006). Buried alive; The presence of nursing on hospital web sites. Nursing Research, 55 (2), 103-109.

Erickson, J., Holm, L.J., Chelminiak, L., and Ditomassi, M. (2005). "Why not Nursing?!" Nursing2005, 35 (7), 46-49.

Suzanne Gordon. (2005). Nursing Against the Odds: How Health Care Cost-Cutting, Media Stereotypes, and Medical Hubris Undermine Nursing and Patient Care. Cornell University Press.

Sheila Gibbons, "Nursing Shortage: It's Also in Press and Other Media", March 30, 2005, Womens eNews.

Kay Bensing. (2004). "Quantum Leaps: Working with the Media." ADVANCE for LPNs.

Buresh, Bernice & Suzanne Gordon. (2001). From Silence to Voice: What nurses know and must communicate to the public.

Hallam J. (1998) From angels to handmaidens: changing constructions of nursing’s public image in post-war Britain. Nursing Inquiry, 5, 32-42.

Hallam J. (2000) Nursing the Image: Media, Culture and Professional Identity. Routledge, London and New York, 240 pages.

Woodhull study on nursing and the media: Health care's invisible partner.(1997). Sigma Theta Tau International.

Mason, Diana. (August 2002). Invisible Nurses: Media neglect is one cause of the nursing shortage. American Journal of Nursing.

Mason, D J., J. Leavitt, M. Chaffee (Eds). Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care (5th Ed.) (2006). St. Louis: Saunders/Elsevier.

Boyington, Alice R.; Jones, Cheryl B.; Wilson, Dianna L. "Buried Alive: The Presence of Nursing on Hospital Web Sites," Nursing Research: March/April 2006 - Volume 55 - Issue 2 - pp 103-109. (abstract.)

Pearson, Linda J. (2003). Help Honor the Profession. The Nurse Practitioner, 28 (8), 6.

Spillane, Janice. (2002). Stand up, speak out. Nursing Spectrum.

Meredith, Pam. (2002). Pick up that RN flag and wave it. Nursing Spectrum.

Fagin, Claire, M. (April 2001). "Raising the Profile of Nursing Issues in the Media and other Public Fora." Presentation at the Triennial International Research Conference Royal College of Nursing, To Boldly Go..., Glasgow, Scotland, UK. (Powerpoint presentation will download on click.) Also see Dr. Fagin's notes in pdf.

Kasoff, Janet, "How Do Hospitals Represent the Image of Nursing on Their Web Sites?" The Journal of Nursing Administration: February 2006 - Volume 36 - Issue 2 - pp 73-78. (subscription.)

Boyle, Deborah A., "Stand up to anonymity." Oncology Nursing Forum. Volume 35, Number 6 / November 2008. (subscription)

Tamlyn, Deborah. (April 2005). "The Importance of Image." Canadian Nurse, 101 (4), p. 26.

Schmidt, Karen. (2001). A sharper image: Nurses strive to garner more--and more accurate--media coverage. NurseWeek.

Sullivan, Beverly, Kasoff, Janet, & Carty, Barbara (2000). "Where is the nursing presence on the medical center's Website?" Journal of Nursing Administration, 30, 569-570.

Meier, Eileen (Sep. 1999). The Image of a Nurse -- Myth vs. Reality, Nursing Economics.

Erwin, Jane. (1999). Getting noticed: Nurses jump into the media spotlight. Nurse Week.

Keller, Monica (1998). Promoting a professional media image. Canadian Nurse. Aug; 94 (7), 53.

Kasoff, J. (2006). How do hospitals represent the image of nursing on their web sites? Journal of Nursing Administration, 36 (2). 73-78. (subscription.)

Bernice Buresh, Suzanne Gordon, and Nica Bell. "Who Counts in News Coverage of Health Care?" Nursing Outlook, Sept./Oct. 1991, Vol. 39 No. 5 pp. 204-208.

Gallagher, Diana. (1989 Dec-1990 Jan). Promoting a positive nursing image. Imprint. 36 (5), 5.

Kalisch, P. A. & Kalisch, B. J. (1985). Gerontological nursing gets expert help on using the news. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, May, 11 (5), 31-35. full text in pdf

Kalisch, P. A., Kalisch, B. J. & Petrescu O. E. (1985). Newspapers and nursing. The print media image of perioperative nurses. Association of Operating Room Nurses Journal, Jul, 42 (1), 30-36, 38-41. full text in pdf

Kalisch, B. J., Kalisch, P. A. & Belcher B. (1985). Forecasting for nursing policy: a news-based image approach. Nursing Research. Jan-Feb, 34 (1), 44-49. abstract

Kalisch, B. J. & Kalisch, P. A. (1985). Nursing images: the TV news picture. Nursing Management. Apr, 16 (4), 39-48.

Kalisch, B. J. & Kalisch, P. A. (1985). Good news, bad news, or no news: improving radio and TV coverage of nursing issues. Nursing & Health Care, May, 6 (5), 255-260. full text in pdf

Kalisch, B. J. & Kalisch, P. A. (1984). An analysis of news coverage of maternal-child nurses. Maternal-Child Nursing Journal, Summer, 13 (2), 77-90. full text in pdf

Kalisch, P. A., Kalisch, B. J. (1984). Psychiatric nurses and the press: a troubled relationship. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Jan-Mar, 22 (1), 5-15. full text in pdf

Kalisch, P. A. & Kalisch, B. J. (1984). The press image of community health nurses. Public Health Nursing. Mar, 1 (1), 3-15. full text in pdf

Kalisch, B. J., Kalisch, P. A., McHugh M. (1983). School nursing in the news. The Journal of School Health, Nov, 53 (9), 548-553. abstract

Kalisch, B. J., Kalisch, P. A. & Young RL. (1983). Television news coverage of nurse strikes: a resource management perspective. Nursing Research, May-Jun, 32 (3), 175-180. abstract

Kalisch, B. J., Kalisch, P. A. & Livesay E. (1982). When nurses are accused of murder: the melodramatic effects of media coverage. NursingLife. Sep-Oct, 2 (5), 44-47. full text in pdf

Kalisch, B. J. & Kalisch, P. A. (1981). Communicating clinical nursing issues through the newspaper. Nursing Research, May-Jun, 30 (3), 132-138. abstract

Kalisch B. J. & Kalisch P. A. (1981). Communicating clinical nursing issues through the newspaper. Nursing Research. May-Jun; 30 (3), 132-138. abstract

Kalisch, B. J., Kalisch, P. A. & Clinton J. (1981). Minority nurses in the news. Nursing Outlook. Jan, 29 (1), 49-54. full text in pdf

Kalisch, P. A. & Kalisch, B. J. (1981). The image of psychiatric nurses in motion pictures. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. May-Aug, 19 (3-4), 116-129. full text in pdf

Kalisch, P. A., Kalisch, B. J. & Livesay E. (1980). The "Angel of Death": the anatomy of 1980's major news story about nursing. Nursing Forum. 19 (3), 212-241. full text in pdf

Kalisch, B. J., Kalisch, P. A. & Clinton J. (1980). How the public sees nurse-midwives: 1978 news coverage of nurse-midwifery in the nation's press. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery. Jul-Aug, 25 (4), 31-39. full text in pdf



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