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Portrayals of Nurses: Analysis & Commentary

MarySue V. Heilemann. "From the Silver Screen to the Web: Portrayals of Nurses in Media." June 2015. National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Director's Lecture

June Girvin, "I despair at the public's perception of nurses as selfless or sexed up: Stereotypes of the heroine and submissive handmaiden, for whom rigorous education is damaging, need to change." September 14, 2015, The Guardian. (pdf archive)

Nicola White. (2012). "Good Nurse, Bad Nurse: Images of nursing in literature and on screen."

Brenda Lohri-Posey, EdD, RN "Empowering Students to Choose Nursing as a Career Nurse Educator," Volume 30, Number 3 May/June 2005.

Suzanne Gordon. (2005). Nursing Against the Odds: How Health Care Cost-Cutting, Media Stereotypes, and Medical Hubris Undermine Nursing and Patient Care. Cornell University Press.

Suzanne Gordon, America's shortage of nurses gets no help from Hollywood," San Jose Mercury News, Sept. 28, 2005.

Sheila Gibbons, "Nursing Shortage: It's Also in Press and Other Media", March 30, 2005, Womens eNews.

Gerard M. Fealy. (2004). "'The good nurse': visions and values in images of the nurse." Journal of Advanced Nursing, 46, (6), 649 - 656.

Eleanor Sullivan (2002) "Nursing and Feminism: An Uneasy Alliance," editorial in the Journal of Professional Nursing, Vol 18, No 4 (July–August), pp 183-184.

Suzanne Gordon & Bernice Buresh (May 21, 2001). Doc Hollywood. The American Prospect. Vol. 12, No. 9. (Some online resources list publication date as Nov. 5, 2001 and lists only Gordon as the author, but other publications list both Buresh and Gordon with the May pub. date.)

Rasmussen, Eric. (2001) Picture imperfect from Nurse Ratched to Hot Lips Houlihan, film/TV portrayals of nurses often transmit a warped image of real-life RNs. NurseWeek.

Nurse coalition unveils study

Sussman, Diane. (2000). Image overhaul: Media still are off-target portraying nurses. NurseWeek.

Hallam, Julia (2000). Nursing the Image: Media culture and professional identity. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, London.

Spencer, Jennifer (1999). Television Needs a Little More Than a Band-Aid. Boston College web site.

Bloomfield, Jacqueline. (1999). The Changing Image of Australian Nursing.

King, Susan. (1997). It's time to speak out! "ER" TV show demeans nursing. Oregon Nurse June: 3. Oregon Nurses Association, 503-293-0011.

Bridges, JM. (1990). Literature review on the images of the nurse and nursing in the media. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jul; 15 (7), 850-854.

Kalisch, B. J. & Kalisch, P. A. (1983). Improving the image of nursing. American Journal of Nursing. Jan, 83 (1), 48-52. full text in pdf

Kalisch, B. J. & Kalisch, P. A. (1983). Anatomy of the image of the nurse: Dissonant and ideal models. American Nurses Association Publications. (G-161), 3-23.   full text in OCR pdf      full text in image pdf    

Kalisch, P. A. & Kalisch, B. J. (1980). Perspectives on improving nursing's public image. Nursing & Health Care. Jul-Aug, 1 (1), 10-15. full text in pdf


Bargagliotti, Toni, "The Contemporary Image of Professional Nursing", Ed. 5., St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier/Mosby, c2011.

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