Join our Facebook group

Nurses and nursing students
Please help us increase public understanding of nursing!

Speak to the Media

Have your school, hospital or organization join the Coalition for Better Understanding of Nursing!

Speak to the World

Strengthen the Nursing Profession

Present a Positive Personal Image

Join Our Member Action

Engage Friends and Colleagues

Learn How To Affect and Create Media

Please support our work

Teach the public how to get well

Become a nurse and recruit others to the profession

Speak To the Media

  • Sign our petitions--please sign and send our letter or write your own letter for each of our campaigns. Thank you!  
  • Create a "Be a Nurse for a Day" program--ask your local media to shadow you at work so they can learn what you do and create media about it.
  • Invite your local media to lunch to educate them about the work of nurses and to encourage them to cover the full range of nursing going on in your community. Feel free to contact the Truth to discuss further.
  • Contact the US media by zip code.

Join the Coalition for Better Understanding of Nursing!

Speak To the World

Strengthen the nursing profession through:

Present a Positive Personal Image

When nurses live healthy lifestyles and look like healthy people, they have more credibility as health experts. We encourage nurses to:

Live smoke-free


Attain a healthy weight and a healthy diet (go vegan; find vegan recipes)

Promote breastfeeding, flossing, seat belt and car seat adherence

See our easy plan to achieve a long and healthy life.

Join Our Member Action

Engage Friends and Colleagues

  • Distribute our news alerts by email (sign up, or see news alert archives).
  • Create bulletin boards of our news alerts at your work place or school.
  • Distribute our brochures to your colleagues, friends and students--just let us know how many you need at
  • Giving a presentation? Get a draft powerpoint presentation and some film clips here.
  • Start a Nurse Shadowing Program for medical students and interns at your hospital or school. We must educate physicians as to the nature of nursing work so they can play a more positive role in creating nursing-related media, and so we can develop more collaborative relationships, which lead to better patient outcomes. See a sketch of a nurse shadowing program at Dartmouth.

Learn How To Affect and Create Media

Legislative resources

Contact US elected officials and government agency representatives on current nursing legislation from the National League of Nursing.

Teach the public how to get well

We are just beginning to build this section of the website to educate the public about health and wellness. We would like nurses to create health information aimed at the public so they can care for themselves better. Please write to us at to let us know what information you would like to share with the wider world. Thank you!

Truth About Nursing Blog logo

book cover, Saving lives

A Few Successes —
We Can Change the Media!

Educate the world that nurses save lives!

Save Lives. Be a Nurse. bumper sticker