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Our executive director's letter Jet at the Mirage Hotel about its naughty nurse contest. (Our petiiton is now closed)

Dear Mr. Sibella, Mr. Sfon, Mr. Abdi and Ms. Davidson: I am writing to express concern about the Jet Nightclub contest in which the winner was to receive $2,500 for the best "naughty nurse" costume, held on May 17. I am sure that Jet meant no harm, but for decades the naughty nurse stereotype has sexualized the profession and undermined real nurses' claims to the resources and respect they need to save lives. That imagery continues to tell people that nursing is just a tired sex joke, not a profession for educated men and women who need more clinical and educational resources if they are to keep saving lives. I am sure that the nurse-themed contest was well attended, given the prominence of the many ads you placed about the contest in local publications. Tens of thousands of people undoubtedly saw those ads and had negative stereotypes delivered to them, even if they did not attend your event. You have given these people yet another reason to associate nursing with female sexuality. Yet you can actually use sexual imagery to attract people to your club without reinforcing the naughty nurse stereotype. I urge you to make amends by vowing not to use the stereotype in the future and publicly apologizing to the nursing profession. Please join us in helping to get nurses the respect and resources they need. Thank you.