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Burn the Witch
With limited evidence but much public hysteria, U.K. nurse Lucy Letby was convicted of killing many neonates, as highlighted in a recent New Yorker article. Was she—as nurses in some recent U.S. cases seem to be—a convenient scapegoat for the failures of more powerful colleagues or the healthcare system itself?
Read The New Yorker article by Rachel Aviv
Lucy Letby


Archives of the deleted US Government website

Vaccines and Immunization information

Please send us more parts of the US Government website being preserved at


"Letter to my abuser"
by Tristin Kate Smith
Tristin Kate Smith
Reduce nurse suicide
Write to Congress, ask them to pass
federal legislation (H.R.2530 and S.1113)
requiring minimum nurse-to-patient ratios


how we unite nurses in working to improve respect for nursing:

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Be part of the solution! Ask your nursing school, organization, journal or hospital to join The Coalition for Better Understanding of Nursing -- our new initiative to change how the world thinks about nursing. Learn more!

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Upcoming speaking engagement:

SynergisPresentation to nursing deans: Synergis will be offering a periodic hour-long Nursing Leadership Forum for all Synergis partner nurse leaders. Our upcoming forum will feature Sandy Summers, the executive director of The Truth About Nursing, Sandy is the co-author of the book Saving Lives: Why the Media’s Portrayal of Nursing Puts Us All at Risk. She speaks frequently about empowering nurses to improve public perception of the profession, and her sessions are always both inspirational and informative regarding the state of nursing.

This free forum will be an invitation-only event and we will have time for questions/discussion. The forum will be offered online via Teams or Zoom. We are inviting all nursing deans from our partner schools, your nursing program directors (all nursing programs, not just those in partnership with Synergis), and lead faculty involved in program development with Synergis. For more information contact Carole Eldridge at Carole Eldridge email

How can nurses become fierce patient advocates?

Our executive director Sandy Summers delivers the graduation speech at Widener University

Recent Notable Events

Strategic Research Alliance
The University of Sheffield in partnership with The Royal College of Nursing

University of Sheffield Royal College of Nursing Strategic Research Alliance Sandy Summers recently presented to a panel with UK nursing leaders. Stay tuned for the archived version of the presentation.

The Truth About Nursing's founder and executive director, Sandy Summers, presented to meeting of the Strategic Research Alliance, in partnership with the Royal College of Nursing, held at the University of Sheffield. Nursing professors organized a consensus development project from 2018-2023 and are conducting "a new programme of research activity, supporting the development of nursing research evidence and nurse research capacity. Ultimately the work will seek to influence public policy and promote better outcomes for the population and the NHS (the UK's National Health Service) workforce."

In 2020 the Alliance is addressing five questions in UK nursing care, one of which is: "What are the best ways of informing and engaging the public about nursing?" Sandy Summers, RN, MSN, MPH, attended to present on this question and engage with a lay panel via Zoom on October 19, 2020 in Sheffield, England. See more information on the Strategic Research Alliance web pages.

Take Action

Get involved in changing how people think about nursing! Can you adopt just one strategy on our extensive action plan to be part of the effort to transform public understanding of nursing?

The Truth in Action

Educate the public about the value of nursing!

Save Lives. Be a Nurse. bumper sticker