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Saving Lives:
Why the Media's Portrayal of Nursing Puts Us All at Risk

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AJN silver awardsOxford University Press announces the publication of The Truth About Nursing's new book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nursing Puts Us All at Risk. With striking examples and an irreverent style, the book explores nursing stereotypes from TV shows to the news media, and it explains how these images affect real-life decisions about nursing. The book also offers a comprehensive plan to help everyone improve nurses' image--and public health.







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Saving Lives named a 2009 AJN Book of the Year

January 2010 -- Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All At Risk has been named a Book of the Year, one of the "most valuable texts of 2009," by the American Journal of Nursing. As announced in this month's issue of the leading journal, Saving Lives was one of the books chosen in the Public Interest and Creative Works category. Judge Karen Roush noted that Saving Lives "provides readers with specific ideas on how to influence the media that could result in a more accurate perception of nursing that improves health care for everyone." She also praised the book's "in-depth comprehensive coverage of the issue" and "clear, well-organized writing." The Truth congratulates all of the book award winners, and thanks Ms. Roush and AJN. See the full awards...


Saving Lives receives 2009 International Award from Sigma Theta Tau, Honor Society of Nursing

November 1, 2009 -- Today the book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All At Risk has received the 2009 International Award for Nursing Excellence in Public Print Media from Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nursing, at the group's biennial convention.  

Popular TV shows like Grey's Anatomy, ER, and House lead people to think that nurses simply push gurneys, drive romantic plots, and provide a human backdrop for the real action. However, those of us among the 12 million nurses worldwide know the reality is far more fascinating, demanding and important.

STTI award for public print mediaWritten by the leaders of The Truth About Nursing, the organization at the forefront of challenging and changing representations of nurses, Saving Lives highlights the essential role nurses play. It explores the public's perception of nurses and spells out the greatest myths about nursing, drawing on examples from television shows, ads, news, and other media.

Saving Lives exposes the media's role in reinforcing stereotypes that help fuel the nursing shortage. But it is also a call to action. Saving Lives offers concrete steps to help nurses and their supporters educate the public about nursing.

For millions of people worldwide, nurses are the difference between life and death, self-sufficiency and dependency, and hope and despair. Nonetheless a lack of appreciation for nursing has contributed to a global shortage that is one of our most urgent public health crises. There are not enough nurses available to monitor patients, provide high-tech treatments, advocate for patients, and teach patients how to live with their conditions. Poor understanding of what nurses do undermines claims for adequate staffing, and leads to a lack of resources for nursing practice, education, and research. All of that means worse patient outcomes, including death.

Saving Lives is destined to change public perceptions, thereby empowering nurses and helping them get the respect they need to save lives.

How you can use Saving Lives to teach the media and your local community about nursing

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Saving Lives ISBNs

2nd edition paperback from Oxford University Press

ISBN-13: 978-0199337064

Hard cover

ISBN-10: 1427798451
ISBN-13: 978-1427798459
BINC: 9504368


ISBN-10: 1607146606
ISBN-13: 978-1607146605
BINC: 3108063

In our imperfect state of conscience and enlightenment, publicity and the collision resulting from publicity are the best guardians of the interest of the sick.

-- Florence Nightingale

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