Press coverage
"Let’s give thanks to nurses" op-ed in The Hill
November 22, 2018 — op-ed contributors Mallory Bejster and Janice Phillips discuss how the media's portrayal of nurses is not in line with what real nurses are doing every day to save and improve lives. See the article on The Hill or in pdf.
Music critic Josiah Hughes interviews Truth leaders on the nursing image in pop music
August 28, 2018 – Today the Blink-155 podcast, which focuses on the pop-punk band blink-182, posted a long interview with Truth About Nursing leaders Sandy and Harry Summers. Hosted by Calgary (Alberta, Canada) music critic Josiah Hughes, the podcast's particular interest was in the Truth's review of blink-182's 1999 album Enema of the State, whose cover art features naughty nurse / battle-axe imagery. But the discussion ranged far more broadly to include other pop music, such as Sonic Youth and the White Stripes, as well as other pop culture items. We thank Josiah Hughes and the Blink-155 podcast! Listen to the interview!
The Nurse Manifest blog highlights the work of Truth founder Sandy Summers
May 1, 2018 - Today the Nurse Manifest blog posted a short biographical sketch of Truth About Nursing founder Sandy Summers as one of its "Inspirations for Activism." The post described Summers's advocacy and educational work in leading the Truth and in her book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All at Risk. We thank Peggy Chin and everyone at the Nurse Manifest blog. And remember: the Nurse Manifest is hosting a Nursing Activism Think Tank on July 30-31, 2018 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Nursing. Read the article...
"Superior Care or Marketing Gimmick?"
MedPage Today piece quotes Truth director on pros and cons of Magnet program
October 13, 2017 - Today Alexandria Bachert published a strong piece in MedPage Today about the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Magnet hospital program that relied on several quotes from Truth director Sandy Summers. The piece explored the complaints of many that the Magnet program, which is meant to assure the nursing quality of a hospital, has often been used mainly as a marketing tool and does not reflect a true commitment to good nursing. In her comments, Summers noted that some hospitals have treated the Magnet designation mainly as "window dressing," regressing once they get it, but that hospitals that go through the process in good faith can create a stronger nursing culture and better patient care. We thank Bachert and MedPage Today. Read the article (we appear about half way down).
Minority Nurse highlights Truth's work to build understanding of nursing
March 2017 - The cover story of Minority Nurse's Winter / Spring issue was Lynda Lampert's "Media Leads the Way: How the Truth About Nursing Is Changing the Perception of Nursing One Person at a Time." The article was a detailed look at the Truth's activities and views on the need to strengthen nursing and its image, featuring extensive commentary from executive director Sandy Summers. We thank Lampert and Minority Nurse for a such a strong piece!
"Nurses Storm the U.S. Capitol to Demand Safe Staffing Ratios"
Daily Nurse covers rally with political and nursing leaders, including Truth director
June 2, 2016 - Today the Daily Nurse website posted a strong report by Lynda Lampert about the May 12 rally at the U.S. Capitol organized by Show Me Your Stethoscope and others in support of federal nurse staffing legislation. As the long piece noted, speakers at the rally included several Congresswomen and nursing leaders, including Truth About Nursing executive director Sandy Summers. The piece quoted Summers's remarks at the rally, particularly in explaining the need for ratios by educating the public about what nurses do: "Nurses need to speak about the value of their work [and say] 'I can't possibly take care of four ICU patients, someone is going to die. I can barely take care of two.' So working on safe staffing issues is ultimately joining our mission of working to educate the public about the value of nursing, the work that nurses do to save lives." We thank Lynda Lampert and Daily Nurse.
Our newest Oxford blog post about angel imagery on Nurses Day and all year
Overcoming the "angel" perception of nursing
July 10, 2015 - Most of us have vaguely positive sentiments about nurses, but at the same time, nursing is plagued by feminine stereotypes that continue to undermine the profession. These double-edged views are never more striking than in efforts to honor nurses, which often rely on emotional "angel" images rather than recognition of nurses' health skills or tangible contributions to patient outcomes. see the posting...
ADVANCE: Truth leaders on improving the Magnet program
June 9, 2015 - Today ADVANCE for Nurses posted a substantial opinion piece by Truth director Sandy Summers and senior advisor Harry Summers about ways to improve the Magnet program, whose goal is to certify hospitals at which nursing is strong. The piece is "The Magnet Program: This nursing process should be a floor, not a ceiling." The authors argue that while Magnet has provided real benefits, it could do more by "improving transparency as to program standards, ensuring adequate nurse-to-patient ratios, creating nurse-led hospitals, moving aggressively to promote safe care models, and promoting the Magnet program itself to the public." We thank ADVANCE for posting our op-ed. See the op-ed here.
Strong reviews of the new edition of Saving Lives
March 2015 - Recently the updated second edition of Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nursing Puts Us All at Risk has received reviews in two publications. In January 2015, a review by Glycosmedia editor-in-chief Jim Young praised the book's "forensic erudition," noting that it "is a thought-provoking dissection of the depiction of nurses and nursing in the entertainment industry and media. ... The detailed explanations of what nurses can and must do themselves to more realistically inform their own image will ensure that the book assumes a unique place in the chronology of the evolution of nursing practice in the 21st century." And in December 2014, a review of the book appeared in Doody's Book Reviews. Viterbo University nursing professor Patricia Zander gave the book 3 stars ("very good") and noted that authors Sandy and Harry Summers "document evidence of the relative absence of the profession of nursing in popular media and make a strong case that in those few instances that nurses are portrayed, they are presented erroneously or in an extremely poor light." We thank those responsible for these reviews. Read more about Saving Lives...
"What do nurses really do?" Oxford blog posts quiz based on Saving Lives
December 26, 2014 - Today Oxford University Press posted a short multiple-choice quiz on the OUP Blog based on the recently published second edition of the book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nursing Puts Us All At Risk. Of course, no one could give a comprehensive account of a profession like nursing in just 10 questions. But the quiz does offer some helpful information about the key role nurses play in modern health care, with a focus on countering common stereotypes. We thank Oxford for this helpful post! Take the quiz!
November 18, 2014 - Today the Baltimore Sun ran Truth executive director Sandy Summers' op-ed arguing that the United States and other developed nations should offer to bring as many Ebola patients as possible to those nations for treatment as the best way to stem the global outbreak. In particular, Summers argued that because skilled nurses play a central role in Ebola care, the higher ratio of nurses to patients in the developed world was a critical advantage. see the op-ed...
Join Sandy and Harry Summers live October 27, 2014!
Baltimore's Central Library featured Sandy and Harry Summers discussing their book Saving Lives as part of the library's "Writers LIVE!" series on October 27, 2014. The Central Library is the main branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library system. click here to listen to the podcast...
Midday with Dan Rodricks, WYPR 88.1 FM
Sandy and Harry were guests on the Midday with Dan Rodricks, guest hosted by Nathan Sterner, on WYPR 88.1 FM, the Baltimore NPR affiliate, on October 27. Click here to listen to the archived audio.
Our Oxford University Press blog post: How Much Are Nurses Worth?
October 22, 2014 -- If you ask many people about nurses, they will tell you how caring and kind nurses are. The word "angel" might even appear. Nursing consistently tops the annual Gallup poll comparing the ethics and honesty of different professions. But it's worth exploring the extent to which society really values nursing. In recent decades, a global nursing shortage has often meant too few nurses to fill open positions, woefully inadequate nurse staffing levels, and not enough funds for nursing education. Many nurses have migrated across the globe, easing shortages in developed nations but exacerbating them in the developed world, where health systems are already under great stress. In a world where funds for health care are limited, nursing does not seem to be getting the love we profess to have for it. more...
Truth's executive director appears on CNN
October 16, 2014 -- The cable news network CNN invited the Truth's founder and executive directorr on the air for a discussion with anchor Brooke Baldwin the dangers of Ebola to public health and the health of nurses. See the 6 minute video clip or see the transcript (search for "Summers").
Equally impressed and dismayed": Leah Binder's Wall Street Journal post highlights Truth's work
June 9, 2014 - Today Leah Binder, president and CEO of The Leapfrog Group, posted a strong piece on the Wall Street Journal site about the poor portrayals of nursing on television. "How TV Gets Hospitals All Wrong" points out that most recent television shows suggest that hospitals are staffed overwhelmingly by smart, attractive physicians. However, Binder notes, the fact is that "most of what hospitals do is deliver expert nursing care." When people are actually confronted with that fact in their own lives, it can shock them. Binder reports that a friend was "equally impressed and dismayed" that her life was in the hands of the nurses during a recent hospital stay. In other words, she was impressed by the nurses' knowledge and skills, yet understandably concerned that her life was entrusted mainly to a group of people she had been led to believe were low-skilled servants. Binder notes:
There's a fascinating book about this, "Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nursing Puts us All at Risk," and a movement I support to pressure the entertainment industry to make some effort to acknowledge the actual work of nurses.
The link from "movement" is to the Truth's main page. Binder concludes by arguing that the gap between image and reality plays a role in the ongoing nursing shortage, which of course threatens patients. We thank her for another helpful piece about the need to improve public understanding of nursing. see the article...
New York Times review mentions Truth's work on Nurse 3D, if not Truth itself
February 6, 2014 -- Today, in his New York Times review of the film Nurse 3D, Neil Genzlinger noted that "someone has started a [] petition asking Lionsgate to pull the film from distribution because of its depiction of the nursing profession." Genzlinger went on: "That's one argument. Another is that it's just not a very good movie." Genzlinger failed to mention that the "someone" was a non-profit group working to improve public understanding of nursing. Even so, we appreciate the note, as well as the sly remark in the review's ratings information section that Nurse 3D is "rated R ... for gore, nudity and repeated violations of the nursing code of ethics." see the review...
College Xpress discusses health careers on TV vs. real life
January 2014 -- This month the website College Xpress posted "TV Health Careers vs. Reality," a detailed story by Julia Quinn-Szcesuil that relied on several quotes from Truth director Sandy Summers. The piece addressed a number of issues in giving career seekers a general sense of what entertainment television gets right and wrong about health care. But it also gave Summers, Massachusetts emergency nurse Jill Baker, and New York nursing scholar Diana Mason space to explain inaccuracies that affect nursing in particular, such as the stereotype that nurses are physician handmaidens with no important role in care. We thank College Xpress and Ms. Quinn-Szcesuil. see the article...
Canadian Nurse cover story and editorial highlight Truth's work
January 2014 - This month's issue of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) magazine Canadian Nurse included "Changing how the world thinks about nursing," a cover feature that was mainly Leah Geller's interview with Truth director Sandy Summers. In the long discussion, Summers explained the roots of the Truth's work, why it's important to improve the nursing image, and what nurses can do to join that effort. The piece including special sidebars on our campaigns about MTV's 2013 show Scrubbing In and the 2010 Dr. Oz Show segment in which the host danced with some sexy "nurses." And the issue also included a powerful editorial by CNA president Barb Mildon that, in part, highlighted the collective efforts by CNA, the Truth, and other nursing groups on the successful Scrubbing In campaign. We thank Barb Mildon, Leah Geller, and everyone at Canadian Nurse. see the interview...
College XPress features quotes from the Truth
January 2014 -- Julia Quinn-Szcesuil from College XPress did a story entitled "TV Health Careers vs. Reality," in which the Truth's executive director was quoted several times. see the article...
Forbes recognizes Truth site as among "best disruptive writings of 2013"
December 30, 2013 - Today Forbes posted a year-end piece by contributor Leah Binder that recognized writing on health care that produced "disruptive innovation," creating change by "gor[ing] somebody's ox." Binder, who is CEO of the respected hospital-safety organization The Leapfrog Group, called her piece "The Best Disruptive Writings of 2013 -- Health Care Edition." She discussed the Truth's work under the heading "Gored Oxen Four: Conventional Wisdom About Delivering Care":
"The role of the patient has changed and so has the practice of medicine and nursing. Hollywood took note of one passionate nurse writer, Sandy Summers, and her colleagues, whose blog on the fascinating website analyzes media portrayals of nursing practice. Summers points out how TV depicts physicians performing tasks nurses actually do in real practice and generally portrays nurses as incompetent, unprofessional and/or none-too-bright. This hurts patients, she says, since the vast majority of care patients receive comes from nurses, and we need the best people on the job. Her passion had a direct impact this year, influencing advertiser choices and prompting talks with producers of problematic programs."
Binder is referring to the Truth's campaign about MTV's Scrubbing In, but it's clear that she has also been reading about other Truth activities on our site. We thank Binder for recognizing our work to "disrupt" regressive ways of thinking about the nursing profession! See the article on the Forbes site or in pdf.
Columbia Dean writes a piece about The Truth's work and the Scrubbing In campaign
December 2013 -- Columbia University Dean Bobbie Berkowitz wrote a piece this month in the Columbia University newspaper about the Scrubbing In campaign and the Truth About Nursing's role in it. She also included information about our book Saving Lives. See the original here or the archive in pdf.
Variety, Los Angeles Times, and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette cover MTV Scrubbing In campaign
November 22, 2013 -- The Scrubbing In campaign success by the Truth and other nurses received extensive major media coverage. On November 19, AJ Marechal wrote a good initial report for Variety, "MTV Reschedules, Edits ‘Scrubbing In' After Nursing Orgs Condemn The Show: Network has bumped the docuseries from 10 p.m. to midnight following criticism and low ratings." On November 20, Los Angeles Times writers Jennifer and Michael followed up with "MTV to alter O.C. nursing reality show 'Scrubbing In' amid protests." And on November 22, Maria Sciullo had a piece about the Scrubbing In campaign in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
The Scrubbing In campaign was also covered by the health media, including the Canadian Nurses Association, Nurse Together, Staffing Industry Analysts, Fierce Healthcare, and the BioEthics bulletin at Johns Hopkins University.
We thank the mainstream and health media outlets who covered the Scrubbing In campaign. You can also see the pdf versions of the articles from the Los Angeles Times, Variety or the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
Minority Nurse's extensive report on the nursing image quotes Truth director
May 6, 2013 -- Today the magazine Minority Nurse published a long, thoughtful piece by Erica Patino called "Lights, Camera, Accuracy: Nurses in the Media." The piece relied to a significant extent on the Truth's work, and it had many quotes from Truth director Sandy Summers about portrayals of nursing and what nurses can do to improve them. We thank Ms. Patino and Minority Nurse.
Modern Healthcare quotes Truth director in pieces on helping medics become nurses
May 18, 2013 -- In the past month the influential health industry magazine Modern Healthcare quoted Truth executive director Sandy Summers in two pieces about recent efforts to help former medics from the U.S. military become registered nurses. The pieces followed our campaign against The Daily Show with Jon Stewart for wrongly telling millions of viewers that medics were overqualified for school nursing, which Stewart suggested involved little more than boo-boos and Band-Aids. See "Struggles for ex-military," posted on May 18, 2013, and "Feds launch nursing program aimed at vets," from April 29, 2013.
Health Callings publishes interview with Truth director on nursing's media image
May 6, 2013 -- Today the health care website Health Callings published a substantial interview by Eileen Beal with Truth About Nursing director Sandy Summers. In the interview, Summers discussed poor portrayals of nursing in the media and what nurses can do to improve them.
Huffington Post's Mona Shattell speaks out for nursing
May 2013 -- The Truth congratulates new Huffington Post columnist/blogger Mona Shattell, RN, PhD, who writes about health care and nursing's role in it. Mona is an associate professor at DePaul University in Chicago. In March, one of her columns, "Hooters Opens Nursing School," covered the Truth's work. We were so excited about the way Mona uses her blog to educate the world about the value of nursing that we recruited her to serve on our advisory panel. Check out Mona's blog at the Huffington Post!
Modern Healthcare covers Truth campaign: "Jon Stewart draws nurses' ire"
December 1, 2012 -- Today the influential health care weekly Modern Healthcare included an Outliers item about the objections of many nurses, including those at the Truth About Nursing, to an October 24, 2012 segment of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. When two former U.S. military medics appeared in a segment about re-integrating veterans into the civilian workforce, Stewart insisted that the medics were vastly overqualified to be school nurses, and he mocked school nursing as being all about "kickball" and "tummy aches." We thank Modern Healthcare for covering the story, and for the piece's closing suggestion that Stewart "let a school nurse host an episode of 'The Daily Show.' It's not like you need a certification to be a wiseacre TV host." see the article...
NurseZone: "Nurses and the Media: A Call to Action at UCLA Symposium"
May 11, 2012 -- Today NurseZone posted a long piece by Debra Wood about the second symposium on nursing in the media held at the UCLA School of Nursing. The piece quoted nursing leaders who appeared at the event, including symposium creator and UCLA professor MarySue Heilemann and Hunter College professor and longtime radio host Diana Mason, as well as Truth About Nursing director Sandy Summers, who spoke at the 2011 symposium. Summers emphasized the importance of changing perceptions of nursing at every level, including in everyday personal interactions. see the article...
AJN: "Attitudes Toward Piercings and Tattoos"
May 2012 -- This month the American Journal of Nursing included a substantial article about a recent study on patient attitudes toward health care providers with body modifications. News Director Gail Pfeifer's "Attitudes Toward Piercings and Tattoos" gave a thoughtful and balanced account of the issues, relying on extensive quotes from Truth About Nursing director Sandy Summers about the nursing image and how to balance good care with health worker individuality. see the article...
More magazine: "A Real Nurse Rates the TV Fakes"
April 2012 -- This month's issue of the widely read More magazine includes Jessica Testa's article "A Real Nurse Rates the TV Fakes." The piece features extensive quotes by Truth director Sandy Summers--the "real nurse" of the headline--about Nurse Jackie, House, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. We thank Jessica Testa and More for including our thoughts on Hollywood's portrayal of nursing. You can also see the article in pdf.
RWJF: "Who's Your Favorite Fictional Nurse Character?"
March 28, 2012 -- Today Allison Stevens posted an item on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Human Capital blog, "Who's Your Favorite Fictional Nurse Character?", that featured analysis of Nurse Jackie by the Truth's director. We thank Allison Stevens and RWJF.
Enfermería Television covers Madrid nursing conference featuring Truth director
January 2012 -- The Spanish channel Enfermería TV (Nursing Television) has covered the XV International Nursing Research Conference held in Madrid from November 16-18, 2011, where Truth executive director Sandy Summers gave the keynote address. Enfermería TV's coverage included a clip of Summers explaining that nurses "need to speak up more to the media about what they do, but the public needs to start looking at who is doing the work of protecting the patient, educating the patient," since nurses "are there to teach patients how to take care of themselves, how to prevent future illnesses." We thank Enfermería TV for its report. see the report...
NurseZone and public trust for nurses
January 5, 2012 -- Today NurseZone published a piece by Jennifer Larson, "Why Nursing is Still the Most Trusted Profession," that quoted Truth director Sandy Summers on the need to look behind the perennial Gallup poll finding that nurses are "trusted" and ask if that means the public really respects their professional skills. Summers cited the various nursing stereotypes that continue to dominate mainstream media about nursing; these images suggest that nurses are low-skilled losers who exist to serve physicians or act as sex objects. Summers encouraged nurses "to speak up about their professional responsibilities and really inform people about what they do on the job," and to join the Truth in working to increase public understanding of nursing. (See our action page!) For example, Summers suggested that nurses write op-eds, participate in "health minute" broadcasts on local television and radio programs, and let reporters shadow them at work for a day. "We shouldn't limit ourselves to just the patients before us," Summers said. "We should speak to the wider world." We thank NurseZone for including our ideas in the article.
Nursing Times publishes Truth leaders' piece on "Do Not Disturb" tabards
September 14, 2011 -- Today, the prominent U.K. nursing journal The Nursing Times published "Do not disturb: undervaluation in progress," an op-ed by Truth executive director Sandy Summers and senior advisor Harry Summers. The piece discussed media reactions to a new program in which nurses at some U.K. hospitals conduct drug rounds wearing tabards that say "Do Not Disturb" in order to reduce interruptions that can cause potentially dangerous errors. See the full piece...
Los Angeles media covers UCLA's groundbreaking symposium on nursing and Hollywood
May 24, 2011 -- Los Angeles media outlets have run substantial pieces about UCLA's May 12 symposium on nursing portrayals in Hollywood, at which Truth executive director Sandy Summers was a keynote speaker. Today, UCLA Magazine posted a long article about the symposium, Andriana Trang's "The Truth About Nurses" The piece includes descriptions of the presentations by Summers and University of Pennsylvania communications scholar Joseph Turow, as well as comments from UCLA nursing professor and symposium organizer MarySue Heilemann. And the UCLA School of Nursing site posted a long, informative article, "Groundbreaking Symposium Examines Media Portrayals of Nurses," with quotes from Turow, Summers, and others who spoke at the conference.
The Nursing Times: "To win a serious role, you must be taken seriously"
April 5, 2011 -- Today editor Jenni Middleton of the UK nursing journal The Nursing Times wrote a piece about the importance of public understanding of nursing as part of the journal's "seat on the board' campaign to ensure that nurses play a role in the new "commissioning consortia" for the National Health Service. The editorial cited a recent piece in the journal on the image of nursing written by Truth executive director Sandy Summers and senior advisor Harry Jacobs Summers. see the article...
Canadian Nurse: "And the winners are..."
March 2011 -- This month Canadian Nurse, the publication of the Canadian Nurses Association, covered the 2010 Truth About Nursing Awards in an article entitled "Nurses in the media: And the winners are . . ."
National Nurse: "Taking Media Into Our Own Hands"
February 2011 -- The January/February issue of National Nurse, the publication of National Nurses United, included a staff report that focused on efforts of nurses affiliated with the national union to inform and entertain the public through the nurses' own media. The lengthy piece included expert comment from Truth executive director Sandy Summers. see the article...
Global news coverage of Truth campaign results in Oz response that sort of resembles an apology!
December 6, 2010 -- Today reporter Lynn Elber of the Associated Press covered our campaign to ask Mehmet Oz, host of The Dr. Oz Show, to apologize and make amends for a November 4 weight loss segment in which "nurses" "got sexy" and danced with Oz. The AP story quoted Truth director Sandy Summers and American Nurses Association spokeswoman Joan Hurwitz, who called the segment a "sexist caricature of nursing." The story was picked up by 2,200 news organs across the world, including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Online Nigeria, the Times of India, New Zealand Yahoo and the Arabic language Wael El-Ebrashy. Some publications wrote their own pieces; these included The Hartford Courant ("Does your nurse dance/dress provocatively?"), the Sydney Morning Herald, the Daily Mail, and TV Guide.
November 18, 2010 -- Suvarna Sheth at Healthecareers wrote an article "Do You Reflect a Positive Image of Nursing?" heavily featuring the work of the Truth.
Journal of Clinical Nursing gives rave review to Saving Lives
September 2010 -- This month's issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing included a lengthy review of the book Saving Lives by Truth executive director Sandy Summers and senior advisor Harry Jacobs Summers. The reviewer is Jacinta Kelly, RN, MSc, College Lecturer at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. After an apt discussion of the idea of stereotypes, Kelly starts with a good discussion of the nature of nursing stereotypes, then explains the main points of Saving Lives, noting that the authors
contend vehemently, in this telling book, that the portrayal of nurses by the media is exceedingly harmful; not alone to the nursing profession -- but more crucially to patient care. In the first two parts of this eye-opening media watch book . . . the authors argue articulately that media images of nursing undermine the profession by portraying nurses as background fillers as opposed to university-educated, highly skilled and autonomous health care workers with life and death responsibilities. . . . Most laudable in this book is that the authors do not merely criticise the media's poor portrayal of nurses but in the concluding part they offer a blueprint on how to improve nurses' image. . . . If this book has any weaknesses, it would be that it did not carry a caveat indicating it is difficult for any intending or registered nurse to put down. see the review...
Nursing Times publishes a series of articles by Truth leaders on the image of nursing.
August 29, 2010 -- "A culture of respect"
September 9, 2010 -- "Does nursing's media image matter?"
September 22, 2010 -- "The unskilled nurse"
October 7, 2010 -- "The handmaiden"
October 20, 2010 -- "The naughty nurse"
November 2, 2010 -- "Not good enough for a feminist?"
November 20, 2010 -- "No holier than thou"
December 3, 2010 -- "Battle axes and frustrated shrews"
December 19, 2010 -- "Cheap substitutes?"
January 18, 2011 -- "The image of nursing: Everyone's responsibility"
January 28, 2011 -- "The image of nursing: It's in your hands"
Student Guide:
ADVANCE for Nurses features Truth director on Webinar
September 15, 2010 -- Today Truth executive director Sandy Summers led a webinar for ADVANCE for Nurses on the image of nursing, including why that image is important and what we can do to improve it. see the 65 minute archive...
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's In the Media
August 18, 2010 -- Today the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ran an online In the Media feature with the headline "Edith Shain, the nurse who stepped forward as the woman being kissed by a sailor in the famous V-J Day photograph that appeared decades ago in Life magazine, dies at 91." In discussing Shain and the famous Alfred Eisenstaedt photograph, the RWJF piece relied in part on comment from Truth executive director Sandy Summers, who suggested that image was unlikely to harm nursing since it was part of a jubilant public celebration, rather than a suggestion that romance was part of the nurse's job. see the article...
August 2010 -- This month District of Columbia Nurse, the magazine of the D.C. Board of Nursing, published an in-depth interview with Truth founder Sandy Summers, "The Truth About Nursing: Organization Founded to Monitor Media Portrayals of Nurses," at pp. 26-29. The interview touched on a number of important issues, including current popular portrayals of nursing and what nurses can do to help others understand the value of what they dobetter. see the article...
Journal of Christian Nursing:
"TV Nurses: Promoting a Positive Image of Nursing?"
August 2, 2010 -- The Journal of Christian Nursing recently posted a substantial article about nursing's media image by Hila J. Spear, RN, PhD. The article appears to be forthcoming in the journal's fall 2010 issue. Dr. Spear discusses the treatment of nursing in current Hollywood television shows and what nurses might do to improve their public image. In doing so, she cites the Truth About Nursing web site and the book Saving Lives as valuable sources of information. see the article... and an earlier one from Fall 2006 by Hila Spear: "TV Nurses Often Hurt More than Heal"
BBC News: "Is the media image of nursing damaging the profession?"
June 9, 2010 - Today the BBC News web site published an op-ed by the Truth About Nursing's executive director Sandy Summers and senior advisor Harry Jacobs Summers. The "Viewpoint" piece ran as an installment in the site's regular Scrubbing Up column, which features "provocative thoughts from experts in the worlds of health and medicine." Using examples from media ranging from Hollywood shows to a recent "naughty nurse" ad for an English bus company, the op-ed argues that media stereotypes of nurses as brainless bimbos and physician lackeys contribute to a global undervaluation of the profession. As a result, the piece notes, nurses face a critical lack of respect, including frequent abuse, and they often lack the staffing and other resources they need to save lives. See the op-ed...
Scrubs Magazine: "Nurse paintings worth a lot of money"
May 18, 2010 -- Today Scrubs Magazine posted a short piece by Jennifer Fink about Richard Prince's recent nurse paintings, which are based on images of nurses from mid-20th Century pulp novels. Fink quotes analysis by Truth executive director Sandy Summers, who notes that although many nurses object to the paintings, their images of nurses in regressive clothes, masked and surrounded by blood and menace, can be seen as an insightful comment on the plight of nurses and women generally. see the article...
Nursezone "Sticking Together: Nurses as Advocates for Each Other"
April 30, 2010 -- Today posted Jennifer Larson's "Sticking Together: Nurses as Advocates for Each Other," a long, helpful article about the need for nurses to advocate for the profession. One of several nursing advocates quoted is Truth executive director Sandy Summers, who urges nurses to "stick together to strengthen the profession" and improve patient care. see the article...
Voice of America: "Nurse, I Need a Reality Check"
April 14, 2010 -- Today Voice of America ran "Nurse, I Need a Reality Check: Hollywood shapes many perceptions of medical professionals but that's a problem for real-life nurses," a helpful, in-depth piece about Hollywood's portrayal of nursing by Faiza Elmasry. The piece featured extensive quotes from Truth executive director Sandy Summers and nurses at Johns Hopkins Hospital. see the article and hear the radio report... or see the archive in pdf or listen in Quicktime. "How Negative Nursing Stereotypes Hurt Patients"
April 22, 2010 -- Today posted "How Negative Nursing Stereotypes Hurt Patients," an excellent article by Antonia Anderson about our book Saving Lives and the Truth's work. The piece included many quotes from Truth executive director Sandy Summers. see the article...
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: "Nurses Protest Mariah Carey's Naughty Nurse Character"
April 21, 2010 -- Today the site posted "Nurses Protest Mariah Carey's Naughty Nurse Character in New Video: Video is latest in long line of negative images of nurses, expert says." The effective piece focused on the Truth's campaign about Mariah Carey's "Up Out My Face" video, and also included some information from our book Saving Lives. see the article...
Healthleaders Media: "Nurses Take Aim at Stereotypes, Mariah Carey video"
April 15, 2010 -- Today the Healthleaders Media web site posted "Nurses Take Aim at Stereotypes, Mariah Carey Video," a short but helpful piece about nursing stereotypes, with a focus on the Truth's Mariah Carey campaign. see the article...
Scrubs Magazine: "The 10 best and worst nurse portrayals in the media"
March 26, 2010 -- Today Scrubs Magazine posted a short piece by Jennifer Fink about the nursing image, referencing especially Laura Stokowski's excellent recent Medscape article "A Letter to Hollywood: Nurses Are Not Handmaidens." The Scrubs piece rightly suggests that portrayals of nursing do have some effect on public attitudes toward nursing. And it lists the 10 best and worst portrayals described in Stokowski's article (Fink attributes the lists to Stokowski, but they're actually the recipients of the Truth's awards for the best and worst of the last decade). Fink does note that the Truth recently "made waves" with its campaign to persuade Mariah Carey to stop her use of naughty nurse imagery in the video "Up Out My Face." We thank Fink and Scrubs for this helpful post.
LA Times: Mercy for the Unreal World
March 22, 2010 -- Physician Marc Siegel's latest "Unreal World" feature in The Los Angeles Times includes commentary by Truth executive director Sandy Summers about the depiction of nursing in a recent episode of NBC's Mercy. The piece is "The Unreal World: How appropriate was girl's treatment on ‘Mercy'?: Diagnosis of a liver condition rings true, even if her care doesn't."
Modern Healthcare: "Mariah, the nurses are not amused"
March 15, 2010 -- Today Modern Healthcare, the influential magazine for health care executives, published "Outliers: Mariah, the nurses are not amused," an article about the Truth's campaign asking Mariah Carey to reconsider the naughty nurse imagery in her new video for "Up Out My Face." The piece featured quotes from our review, and commentary about our other music reviews. (Subscription required.)
Calgary Herald: The end of the sexy nurse
March 11, 2011 -- Columnist Tom Babin covers the Truth's campaign against Mariah Carey's naughty nurse video. see the article...
Mariah Carey campaign: A Vision of Love?
March 14, 2010 -- Recently the Truth's campaign to persuade Mariah Carey to reconsider her use of naughty nurse imagery in the video for "Up Out My Face" has received coverage in the Hartford Courant, the Baltimore Sun, the India Times, the Calgary Herald, ADVANCE for Nurses, Scrubs Magazine, HCPro, the Dallas Morning News and other news sources.
"Dear Hollywood: We, the nurses of the world, have something to say to you."
March 12, 2010 -- Today Medscape ran a long, powerful article by Laura Stokowski headlined "A Letter to Hollywood: Nurses Are Not Handmaidens." The article features very good explanations of the common myths about nursing that Hollywood promotes, as well as information about what nurses really do to help patients. The piece also includes detailed discussion of the Truth's work, particularly our media awards for 2009 and for the past decade, and extensive quotes from Truth executive director Sandy Summers. We thank Ms. Stokowski for this impressive and helpful article. see the article...(free subscription)
"Nursing now considered trendy?"
February 15, 2010 -- The Fayetteville Observer covered media images of nursing in an article by Jessica De Vault, "With shows such as 'Hawthorne' and 'Nurse Jackie,' is nursing now considered trendy?" The piece includes a brief but good discussion of the Truth's work and our "best" and "worst" awards for 2009 and for the past decade.
"Health Care Reform Won't Work Without Strengthening the Role of Nursing."
January 2010 -- In this month's issue, District of Columbia Nurse reprinted an op-ed by Truth executive director Sandy Summers that was originally published in Kaiser Health News entitled "Health Care Reform Won't Work Without Strengthening the Role of Nursing."
This piece was also reprinted in New Jersey Newsroom, the New Jersey Institute for Nursing Newsletter, and the DC Nurse.
The Baltimore Sun
On January 7, 2010, Baltimore Sun health reporter Kelly Brewington posted "TV nurses -- the good and the bad," a good discussion of the Truth's 2009 and 00s decade awards for best and worst media portrayals of nurses. Over the next few weeks, the piece was reprinted in NewsDay, the Chicago Tribune, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, the Arizona Republic, The Tampa Tribune, United Press International, the India Times, the Hartford Courant, the Deseret News (Utah), the Times Colonist (Victoria, Canada), The State (SC), the Charleston Gazette, (WV) and the Island Packet (SC). Scrubs magazine also posted a short comment about the awards lists, linking to the Sun piece. We thank Kelly Brewington and the Sun, as well as all who reprinted or commented on the Sun item.
Carolina Nursing News
"Nurses in the Media: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly," which discussed the Truth's work and our awards, on its web site on January 5, 2010.
Journal of Infusion Nursing
Mary Alexander, RN, MA, FAAN, Chief Executive Officer of the Infusion Nurses Society wrote a helpful editorial, "How Others See Us," in the journal's November / December 2009 issue. The editorial noted that the Truth's work can help nurses advocate for their professional image.
Sarah Kearns posted "The Truth about Nursing releases best and worst nurse portrayals of the decade" on the health care information company's Leaders' Lounge blog on January 5, 2010.
The Post-Standard
On January 14, 2010, Amber Smith of the Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY) posted a lengthy item on the paper's Health & Fitness Blog about the Truth's awards lists, "Nurses rate TV's best and worse nurses." Using Kelly Brewington's Baltimore Sun piece as a starting point, Smith examined the lists in much more detail, with quotations from the Truth's awards language. We thank Smith and the Post-Standard.
American Journal of Nursing
In the January 2010 issue of the American Journal of Nursing, editor-in-chief Shawn Kennedy's editorial credited the "relentless" advocacy of the Truth for helping to change the approach of Hollywood to nursing. In her piece "A New Year Brings New Opportunities," Ms. Kennedy pointed to the Truth's advocacy in noting that the characters in the new nurse-focused U.S. television shows are "big improvements" over their counterparts in most earlier shows. We thank Ms. Kennedy and AJN for this recognition. See p. 7 of the issue.
On January 6, 2010, Cheryl Mee posted an extensive discussion of the nursing image, "Nursing's Image in the Media: Just in Jest", on the Evolve learning system site. Mee included substantial discussion of the Truth's work. On January 14, Evolve published a short discussion of the Truth's Decade awards, "Best and Worst Nursing Portrayals of the Last Decade." We thank Cheryl Mee and the others at Evolve.
Modern Healthcare covers the Truth's Dr. Lung Love Campaign
November 23, 2009 -- This week's issue of the influential health industry magazine Modern Healthcare included an Outliers piece headlined, "We've heard of bad raps...but this is ridiculous." The article reported on the Lung Cancer Alliance's (LCA) "Dr. Lung Love" rap video, and the Truth's campaign to persuade LCA to remove the video's "naughty nurse" elements. The piece described the video as "cringe-inducing," and it included a long quote from the Truth's analysis of why, as we said, the video "plays into powerful stereotypes viewers already have: that female nurses really are the submissive sexual playthings of male physicians." see the article...
Truth director participates in webinar on defusing hostile behavior
December 9, 2009 -- Today the Truth's executive director Sandy Summers sat on a Dorland Health webinar panel on "Conflict and Intimidation in Health Care Settings: How To Protect Patient Care and Defuse Hostile Behaviors."
Critical Care Nurse reviews Saving Lives
December 1, 2009 -- This biweekly issue of Critical Care Nurse included a positive review of our book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All At Risk.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation cites Saving Lives in piece on nursing's media image
November 24, 2009 -- The Truth was covered in today's RWJF column "In the Media: Advocates say media portrayals of nurses matter." The piece featured a quote from Saving Lives, which makes the point that ignorance about the nursing profession "undermines nurses' claims to adequate staffing, nursing faculty, and other resources in our era of ruthless cost cutting."
ADVANCE for Nurses book club features Saving Lives
November 2009 -- This month, ADVANCE for Nurses book club features our book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All at Risk. ADVANCE interviewed the co-authors of Saving Lives.
Read the book club entry
See the videos:
Then please join in the discussion at ADVANCE. Thank you!
November 2009 -- In this month's issue, the New Zealand Nurses Review included a cover story about Showtime's Nurse Jackie. The story focused on the varied opinions nurses have about the show, and Truth executive director Sandy Summers was quoted. see the article...
Los Angeles Times: The Unreal World
Marc Siegel's October 19, 2009 column "The Unreal World," featured quotes from our executive director Sandy Summers. The column analyzes the accuracy of health care depictions on television. This column covered the Sept. 23 episode of Mercy entitled "Can We Get That Drink Now."
"This task is a lot easier if we all participate"
September 2009 -- The South African Forum for Professional Nurse Leaders published an encouraging review of Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All at Riskin their Spring 2009 (September) newsletter. See the review... (scroll to page 4)
101 Global Leadership Lessons for Nurses
Truth About Nursing executive director Sandy Summers and board member Richard Kimball jointly wrote a chapter entitled "Autonomy" in the new book 101 Global Leadership Lessons for Nurses: Shared Legacies from Leaders and their Mentors, edited by Nancy Rollins Gantz. The book was published earlier this month (October 2009) by Sigma Theta Tau International.
September 23, 2009 -- The Atlanta Journal & Constitution covered our work in its PULSE: Editor's Notes on the three new nurse-centered television shows. It features quotes from our executive director Sandy Summers. see the full article...
August 2009 -- Registered Nurse, the magazine of the California Nurses Association, has published a review of Saving Lives in its July/August 2009 issue. In her review, editor Lucia Hwang writes:
The pervasive problem in [news and entertainment] media ... is that they almost never accurately portray the important, science-based work that registered nurses do and instead reinforce damaging stereotypes of RNs, argue Sandy and Harry Summers in their persuasive book, Saving Lives.
See the full review. Scroll to pp. 16-17.
"Reform Won't Work Without Strengthening Nursing"
September 3, 2009 -- Today Kaiser Health News published an op-ed by Truth About Nursing executive director Sandy Summers arguing that the role of nursing in the success of U.S. health reform must not be overlooked. Summers explains that nurses are critical both to expanding access to care and containing costs, which are key elements of the reform proposals now under consideration. Although nurses' holistic, preventative focus is vital to reform, harnessing the power of nursing will require more resources for nurses' clinical practice, education, and research. And long-term change, Summers notes, will in turn require that we improve our understanding of the value of nursing, and overcome the female stereotypes that continue to plague the profession. see the full op-ed...
Los Angeles Times
-- Marc Siegel's August 24 column "The Unreal World," featured quotes from our executive director Sandy Summers. The column analyzes the accuracy of health care depictions on television. This column covered an episode of HawthoRNe entitled "Mother's Day."
California Nurses Association Registered Nurse
In the June 2009 issue of Registered Nurse, Lucia Hwang interviewed Sandy Summers for a profile of the Truth's work, our book Saving Lives and a look at this summer's television shows on nursing in the article"RNs on Primetime"
On August 10, The Truth's executive director Sandy Summers appeared on the "State of Nevada" program on KNPR, the Las Vegas affiliate of NPR. Listen to an archive of the show.
University of Nevada newspaper
On August 24, 2009 --The editor of the University of Nevada's Rebel Yell Pashtana Usufzy profiled the Truth's work in an article entitled "Nurse advocate calls for less painful portrayals."
"Helpers?" The New York Times on Saving Lives
July 1, 2009 -- Today Tara Parker-Pope's "Well" blog at the New York Times posted a very good piece by regular contributor Theresa Brown, RN, about the key issues raised by the book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All at Risk, written by the leaders of the Truth About Nursing. Brown framed her well-written discussion of the book by suggesting that even her beloved New York Times crossword had reinforced "outdated nursing stereotypes" by referring to nurses as "white-cap wearers" and "I.C.U. helpers." The Times deserves credit for publishing a piece framed by a critique of one of the paper's own prominent features. Brown explained that the book argues that the media's heavy reliance on nursing stereotypes, particularly in Hollywood television shows, can undermine nursing care by reducing the attention we pay to vital issues like short-staffing.
Saving Lives is an important book because it so clearly delineates how ubiquitous negative portrayals of nursing are in today's media... [The authors] argue that these images of nursing degrade the profession by portraying nurses as either vixens, saints or harridans, not college-educated health care workers with life and death responsibilities. The problem with how nurses are portrayed in the media is that it has the potential to devalue the way we view nurses in the real world.
We thank Theresa Brown, Tara Parker-Pope, and the New York Times.
See the full article, "Why Nurse Stereotypes Are Bad for Health," and take a look at the numerous and varied comments that follow at the "Well" blog. Please weigh in on this interesting discussion! Some of the comments so far suggest a need for further education about nursing autonomy and the value of nursing (e.g., #44).
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Melissa Pheterson covered Saving Lives in an article entitled "TV dramas put nurses in new spotlight:
Medical professionals will keep a keen eye on three new shows," which was also printed in the New York Nurses Network magazines and on July 22, 2009.
New Zealand Nursing Review
Fiona Cassie's reviewed Saving Lives in "Tuning Out the Stereotypes: Does it matter that nurses are scarcely visible in television's top-rating hospital dramas? American nursing advocactes Sandy and Harry Summers say it does and they've written the book to prove it", from the July 2009 issue.
Los Angeles Times
Marc Siegel's bimonthly column The Unreal World featured quotes from our executive director Sandy Summers in his piece, "Few Nurses are 100% Jackie," published on June 29.
ADVANCE for Nurses
Ainsley Maloney's article Nurse Jackie & HawthoRNe: How two new primetime TV shows are expected to portray the nursing profession to the public, features many quotes from Sandy Summers in its June 24 - July 8 edition.
Cape Cod Times
On June 11 Cynthia McCormick discussed our book Saving Lives in an article "Nurses sidelined in TV medical dramas." It was reprinted in The New Bedford Standard Times on June 25.
St. Petersburg Times (Florida)
"Hawthorne and Nurse Jackie give a different view of nursing" by Eric Deggans, June 7, 2009.
"Skepticism and Some Optimism Surround New Nursing Dramas" by Keri Mucci, June 4, 2009.
Seeking some firebrand: Nursing Standard reviews Saving Lives
April 29, 2009 -- This week's issue of Nursing Standard, the U.K.'s best-selling nursing journal, included Dame Betty Kershaw's review of Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All At Risk. Dame Kershaw (right) is the education adviser of the Royal College of Nursing. She gave Saving Lives 4 out of 5 stars. In her review, Dame Kershaw emphasized that although the book is a U.S. text, "every nurse should recognise the damage that negative portrayals of nursing in the press, films, television and even books can do to our image." Indeed, she noted, the "[t]he popularity of transatlantic film and TV shows means many of the United States images referred to here are seen in the UK." Dame Kershaw explained that "this well-researched text explores the negative effects of adverse publicity and how it inhibits our professional growth," and that the "constant failure to credit nurses for the work they do is addressed." She concluded: "The book deserves wide reading. Hopefully some firebrand may even be driven to duplicate this study in the UK." We thank Dame Kershaw and Nursing Standard. see the full article...
Wisconsin Public Radio interviews Sandy Summers about Saving Lives
May 7, 2009 -- Wisconsin Public Radio host Joy Cardin did a one hour interview with the Truth's executive director Sandy Summers about our book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayals of Nurses Puts Us All at Risk. listen to the show in Real Player...
"To solve nursing shortage, change attitudes about nurses"
May 12, 2009 -- Today the Baltimore Sun published an op-ed by Truth About Nursing executive director Sandy Summers arguing that resolution of the nursing crisis will require us to change our preconceptions about the profession. In her "Viewpoint" essay, published to celebrate International Nurses Day, Summers noted some positive recent developments. These include U.S. President Barack Obama's efforts to honor nurses and include them in policymaking, such as by appointing nurse Mary Wakefield to head the Health Resources and Services Administration and increasing funding for programs aimed at addressing the faculty shortage. However, Summers explained, long-term improvement in the clinical and educational resources available to nursing will require a fundamental change in how people see the profession. She pointed out that much of the influential mass media, from popular Hollywood television shows to the news media and advertising, continues to portray nurses as vacuous losers, scut work saints, or disposable bimbos. Only a true appreciation for nurses' life-saving skills can guarantee nurses what they need to meet the health care challenges of the 21st century. As Summers concluded: "Let's celebrate nurses every day by making the only change that will ensure nurses are there when we need them: Let's reconsider the value of what nurses do." We thank the Baltimore Sun. see the full op-ed...
Joy Cardin interviews Sandy Summers about Saving Lives
May 7, 2009 -- Wisconsin National Public Radio host Joy Cardin did a one hour interview with the Truth's executive director Sandy Summers about our book Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayals of Nurses Puts Us All at Risk. listen to the show in Real Player...
Nursing Standard reviews Saving Lives
April 29, 2009 -- "Every nurse should recognise the damage that negative portrayals of nursing in the press, films, television and even books can do to our image. ... This well-researched text explores the negative effects of adverse publicity and how it inhibits our professional growth. ... The book deserves wide reading. Hopefully some firebrand may even be driven to duplicate this study in the UK."
--Dame Betty Kershaw, Nursing Standard (UK)
"The first nurse who saved my son's life": Newsweek reviews Saving Lives
March 9, 2009 -- This week's Newsweek includes an excellent "Health Matters" article by senior editor Jerry Adler headlined "The Nurse Will See You Now." Adler's focus is how the care his son received for years after his birth with a malformed jaw, which included more than 40 significant surgeries, showed Adler how critical nurses are to health care. Adler writes that "over the years we saw firsthand the truth behind a new book, Saving Lives, by Sandy Summers and Harry Jacobs Summers: that nurses, in fact, perform much of the direct patient care that the media, especially hospital shows on television, routinely attribute to the much more glamorous profession of doctor." Adler notes that many collaborative professions do not receive their due from the popular media, "[b]ut Saving Lives has a serious point, that the devaluation of nursing--both by overlooking nurses' contributions to positive outcomes for patients, and more subtly by emphasizing their devotion, compassion and self-sacrifice over their lifesaving skills--discourages students from the field and contributes to a critical nursing shortage." Adler even "tests" and confirms our thesis with an examination of the physician-centric anthology of interesting cases in surgeon Sherwin Nuland's The Soul of Medicine. Adler closes with a "small tribute to the nurses who kept my son alive for so long" in the recovery room, ICU, and pediatric floor after his many surgeries, most at the Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at New York University (we might add that OR nurses kept his son alive during the surgeries). We thank Adler for his perceptive and heartfelt article. see the article...
March 4, 2009 -- Saving Lives authors Sandy and Harry Summers appeared on Sirius and XM Satellite Radio's "Doctor Radio" channel on Tuesday, March 10, from 6 am - 7 am. They were on the Pulmonology show hosted by Dr. Frank Adams, a pulmonologist at NYU Langone Medical Center, to talk about nursing's media image and how if affects health care. The station was Sirius (Ch. 114), XM (Ch. 119), and on the web at (click on "Listen Online"). The show is rebroadcast later in the week. Thank you for your support.
February 19, 2009 -- Glenna Murdock covered the Truth's work on Well-Sphere today.
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Journal
January - Febrary 2009 -- "Say No to Naughty Nurse Image," in the Registered Nurse Journal a gives an in-depth look at negative images of nursing in the media and what we can do about them. Truth's executive director Sandy Summers is quoted in the article. The Registered Nurse Journal is the journal of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. see an abstract...
The Truth About Nursing was formed in December 2008. Prior to that, we pursued our mission under the Center for Nursing Advocacy. You can see that press coverage below.
"Ethics Education, Television, and Invisible Nurses"
December 1, 2008 -- Today the Journal of Bioethics pulibshed an article written jointly by the Truth's executive director Sandy Summers and Frances Rieth Ward, Assistant Professor of the
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey School of Nursing. see the article...
September 19, 2008 -- AARP Bulletin Today article "Where's My Nurse?: How the Nursing Shortage Could Hurt Your Care" by Katharine Greider. Truth's executive director Sandy Summers is quoted in the article: "The angel image allows decision makers to ignore nurses' workplace conditions,' says Sandy Summers, ... "because angels can take error-free care of 20 patients on a mandatory 16-hour shift, and they won't even have to stop for a bathroom break. Angels live in heaven, so they don't need good salaries to pay the rent. But real nurses need workplace support to foster their lifesaving skills--and they're not getting that support now." see the article...
Fall 2008 -- Glenna Murdock covers our work in an article entitled "The Center for Nursing Advocacy Urges Hollywood to Tell it Like it Is."
Nursezone on television portrayals of nurses
August 2008 -- Glenna Murdock wrote "Television Portrayals of Nurses are Damaging the Profession" for NurseZone and the article is published on The article quotes the Center for Nursing Advocacy's executive director Sandy Summers: "The programs show the physicians hiring, firing and supervising nurses. That is what makes people think we're handmaidens. When physicians behave in this way, the public is prevented from knowing that nursing is an autonomous profession with its own scope of practice, its own code of ethics and its own licensing exams and boards of nursing. Nurses are often made to look like they can't and don't have the knowledge and skills to save lives." see the article...
Newsday covers Center Halloween campaign
October 14, 2007 -- Newsday columnist Ellis Henican quickly covered the Center's campaign to encourage an end to the use of the naughty nurse Halloween costume. see the article...(scroll down)
MSNBC: "Medical TV isn't always right"
September 20, 2007 -- Today MSNBC reprinted a Forbes article by Allison Van Dusen, "Playing doctor: Medical TV isn't always right: Viewers often get wrong ideas, but shows do impart some info, experts say." The article discussed popular health-related dramas and their accuracy. The Center's executive director Sandy Summers was quotes about television's failure to portray nursing accurately. Summers' comments included the often overlooked argument that nurse characters tend to absorb abuse from physicians like House with no apparent ability to respond, reinforcing the image of nurses as meek servants--an unusual point for the mainstream media to put forward. We thank Allison Van Dusen for this article. see the article...
Nurses in Motion: "Fighting De-Nursification"
July 18, 2007 --
Barbara Ficarra's Internet video program "Nurses in Motion" recently featured an extended interview with Center director Sandy Summers, RN, MSN, MPH. Summers and Ficarra discussed the causes and effects of the poor public understanding of nursing, especially as seen in the mass media. Summers argued that nurses' inaccurate public image is a key factor in the critical nursing shortage, affecting the level of resources directed to nursing practice, education and research. She also addressed barriers nurses face in speaking up about their work and its value. watch the video...
May 30, 2007 -- KGO radio in San Francisco, which covers a large part of the Western U.S., hosted a segment on the nursing shortage. The show invited our executive director Sandy Summers to discuss causes of and solutions to the shortage at about 6:45 am PDT.
"An image problem, from TV to silver screen"
May 6, 2007 -- Bob Groves from the New Jersey Bergen Record, published an excellent article "An image problem, from TV to silver screen" about nursing portrayals in the media. The article featured many positive quotes from the Center's executive director Sandy Summers. See the article...
Shock Trauma nurses honored for clinical hotness!
April 25, 2007 -- Today's Baltimore Sun featured a column by Laura Vozzella about a poll taken by Baltimore City firefighters on that asked which local hospital had the "hottest" nurses. Vozzella's bemused piece suggests that this is a curious way for at least 146 responding firefighters to be spending their time, given that the department has recently been criticized for a fatal training exercise and that unions are calling for its chief to resign. But she also explains why nurses might have a problem with the poll's implied suggestion that they are all about sexiness, relying heavily on comment from the Center's executive director Sandy Summers. We thank Laura Vozzella for the column. more...
March 13, 2007 -- Today The Patriot-News (Harrisburg, PA) ran a good piece by reporter Pat Carroll about the damaging misportrayal of nursing on Fox's "House" and other popular U.S. television shows. The article "Doctored reality: Nurses chart complaints of marginalization on TV" focuses on the common Hollywood depiction of a "pack of doctors engaging in patient care with no nurses in sight." The piece gets expert comment from several Pennsylvania nurses, and also relies on extensive input from the Center's executive director Sandy Summers. more...
March 5, 2007 -- Check out a good article in today's Salem News (MA) about the flawed depiction of health care on popular U.S. television shows like ABC's "Grey's Anatomy." Julie Kirkwood's piece focuses on nurses' arguments that such shows can distort the public's view of health care and health workers, with negative effects on the real world. The story aims to debunk some of the key "myths" such shows present, and it includes extensive comment from the Center's executive director Sandy Summers about how the shows undervalue nursing care. The piece is "As seen on TV: Real-life health care workers say medical shows aren't telling the real story."
The Star-Ledger: "Nurses urge TV dramas: Get real"
January 28, 2007 -- On January 11, the New Jersey Star-Ledger published an excellent piece by Carol Ann Campbell on Hollywood's treatment of nursing. The article is headlined "Nurses urge TV dramas: Get real; Portrayals deceive public, groups say." The substantial piece features extensive comment from nurses (including the Center's executive director Sandy Summers) who explain how popular U.S. television dramas regularly show physicians doing important work that nurses really do, while nurses are shown as peripheral subordinates, when they appear at all. As the piece notes, this widespread undervaluation is a factor in the critical nursing shortage. We thank Ms. Campbell and the Star-Ledger for this piece, which stands in stark contrast to a slew of recent articles in the major print media that explore Hollywood's "medical accuracy" but completely ignore nursing. more...
The piece was reprinted in the Birmingham News on January 15, 2007.
May 2, 2007 -- Our campaign to convince the Heart Attack Grill in Tempe, Arizona, to discontinue its use of "naughty nurse" waitress uniforms has received international press coverage.
CNN's Headline News covered the story on Nov. 9. The CNN piece was a rebroadcast of the story done on the ABC News 15 (Phoenix), which ran on October 27, 2006. See the CNN clip in Quicktime hi-band or low-band and Windows media hi-band or low-band. Also see the East Valley Tribune (Arizona) article on this issue by Nicole Beyer entitled "Pretend nurses in skimpy outfits raise ire."
On Dec. 8, 2006, an Associated Press story by Amanda Lee Myers was printed in countless newspapers across the globe including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Times of India, the Taipei Times and
The story was covered on the ABC News television show 20/20 with John Stossel on November 17, 2006 (article or film clip).
It was covered on Geraldo-at-Large on December 18, 2006. See the clip in Quicktime (broadband or dial-up); or Windows Media Player (broadband or dial-up).
The Baltimore Sun covered the article Nov. 16, 2006. Versions of the Baltimore Sun story have also run in major newspapers nationwide, including Dallas-Fort Worth's Star Telegram and Bloomington, Indiana's Herald Times on Nov. 18, 2006; the Miami Herald, the Olympian (Washington state) and the Knoxville News Sentinel on Nov. 19; the Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill News & Observer on Nov. 20; the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Sun News, the Tacoma, Washington News Tribune and the Nashua (New Hampshire) Telegraph on Nov. 23; and the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune on Nov. 24, 2006.
NBC 12 (Phoenix) News covered the story on Oct. 30, 2006 in the piece "Scantily-clad waitresses in Tempe raise concerns" by Syleste Rodriguez, or in footage: Quicktime high or low; Windows Media high or low.
The Center's executive director was featured on the Chip Franklin show on WBAL radio (Baltimore) Nov. 16, 2006. KFYI news radio had Sandy Summers, the Center's executive director as a guest on the Joe Crummy show for an hour on Dec. 11, 2006. She also appeared on a KIRO talk radio news show in Seattle on Dec. 8, 2006 for 30 minutes. The Free-Market News Network covered the story on Nov. 13, 2006. It was covered by the Arizona Republic on Nov. 30, 2006.
The Arizona State University Web Devil covered the story on March 8, 2007. The Washington Times reported on it on May 2, 2007.
"Close to Home" comic press coverage
December 19, 2006 -- Charles Fiegl of the Glens Falls Post-Star (NY) covered our reaction to the "Close to Home" comic which featured "hot" nurses. See the article. It was reprinted in the Universal Press Syndicate, also covered in Editor & Publisher on Dec. 19 and on WSYR Channel 9, ABC affiliate in Syracuse.
December 5, 2006 -- The Island Packet in Hilton Head, South Carolina, featured quotes from the Center's executive director Sandy Summers in an article on the professionalism of nursing uniforms. It was also reprinted in South Carolina's main paper The State.
December 8, 2006 -- Today The Baltimore Sun published "Nurses' achievements merit international recognition," an op-ed by Columbia University nursing professor Kristine Gebbie and the Center for Nursing Advocacy's executive director Sandy Summers. The op-ed argues that nurses deserve a Nobel Prize or comparable annual award because their leaders have long been at the forefront of health research and clinical practice. They have changed the world by reinventing health systems, pioneering new therapies, and improving community health, from AIDS treatment to neonatal care to pain management. Establishing such a prize would shine a light on the profession's life-saving achievements. It would also help show how important it is that nursing get the clinical and educational resources it needs to overcome the global nursing shortage. The publication of this piece is the culmination of significant effort by the Sandy and Harry Summers. We thank The Baltimore Sun for its openness to new ideas on nursing, and its commitment to publishing the op-ed. And we urge you to read it, think about it, and show it to others. Thank you! See the op-ed.
Jack White and White Stripes coverage
May 3, 2006 -- Today The Los Angeles Times covered the exchange of mock awards between the Center for Nursing Advocacy and Jack White, of the band White Stripes, with the piece "A Stripe nursing a grudge?" The Detroit Metro Times wrote about it in "Nursing a grudge," on May 3. And Salon covered it on April 26 with "Jack White in slap fight with nurses." Also see coverage from May 31, 2007 in the Chicagoist article featuring the award.
"Eatery draws fire for `sexy nurses'" or "Just fun on a bun?"
November 24, 2006 -- Stephen Kiehl coverage of our work earned him a front-page slot for covering our work advocating for the Heart Attack Grill to drop its naughty nurse waitress attire. See the article on the LA Times site or in our archive in pdf.
Advance for Nurses: "The Image of Nursing"
April 24, 2006 -- Sandy Keefe, RN, MSN, did a very good article on media images of nursing in this week's edition of Advance for Nurses. The piece relied heavily on the Center for Nursing Advocacy's executive director Sandy Summers. She expressed concern about the handmaiden portrayals (and non-portrayals) of nurses that dominate current U.S. television programming, as well as the continuing prevalence of unskilled angel images, which can infect even the messages of those trying to help nursing. See the article...
"Media Portrayals of Nurses: What We Can Do"
March 2006 -- Carol Cornwell Strickland, PhD, MS, CS, wrote an excellent 3-page guest editorial in the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services 44(3):6-8 on media portrayals of nurses and how more nurses should get involved in the effort to fight for a more accurate depiction through our website. see the op-ed...
Golden Lamp Awards 2005 coverage
January 2005 -- The Center's Golden Lamp Awards, issued late last month, are being covered widely in the mainstream and nursing media. In addition to the publication of Award highlights in the January issue of the American Journal of Nursing, which partnered with us to release the awards, there have been several prominent national press stories so far. An Internet Broadcasting Systems story with the headline "Popular Hospital Shows Panned By Nurses Group" ran on the web sites of at least 30 US network television affiliates last week. The New York Post's Michael Starr featured the awards in his December 29 "Starr Report" entertainment column under the headline "Bad Medicine?" On January 4, All Headline News ran a short piece about the awards by Christina Ficara with the headline "Nursing Profession Unhappy with Media Portrayal." And on January 12, the influential newspaper industry publication Editor & Publisher ran an article about the Awards by Nekoro Gomes headlined "Print Press Receives Clean Bill of Health From Nursing Advocacy Groups." That headline, of course, is not an accurate summary of the Center's view of print press coverage of nursing. Though we said that most of the best portrayals we saw were in the print press, many of the worst were also. In fact, the print press frequently publishes pieces that ignore or marginalize nursing. But the text of the Editor & Publisher story does discuss the specific awards in some detail, and in general we're happy for the coverage. The January 23, 2006 issue if US Weekly covered the awards in its article entitled "Hollywood's Hottest Feuds!: Ding, ding! Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan weighs in on the latest round of star smackdowns." One of the three feuds in the one-page article was: "Nurses vs. Grey's Anatomy," which read in its entirety:
Florence Nightingales called out ABC's hit for depicting RNs as "fawning or bitter losers with no significant role in hospital care," reads a Center for Nursing Advocacy release. The group also complains that the show "makes a point of attacking the profession, relentlessly." WINNER IS: Grey's. "Lighten up," Hogan says. "Nurses should focus on patients, [not] some TV show."
Advance for Nurses also covered the awards.
Salome Magazine: "Nothing Beats Cold Hard Steel": Grey's Anatomy's Depiction of Nurses
November 28, 2005 -- This week Salome Magazine's Lucy O'Donnell explores how the "destructive and elitist form of feminism" portrayed on Grey's Anatomy acts to degrade the "women's work" of nursing. Ms. O'Donnell goes on: "Instead of uniting and encouraging all women, Grey's Anatomy seems to encourage the distinct hierarchy of the medical field. This new feminist approach portrayed on television is only successful by disparaging another whole set of women." Click here to see the article.
Nevada RNformation profiles Center's work
November 2005 -- Lily Gonzalez discusses the real-life impact of negative media coverage of nursing in this month's edition of Nevada's RNformation. Click here to see the article (pdf).
The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing editorial
September/October 2005 -- The editor of the American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, Margaret Comerford Freda, EdD, RN, CHES, FAAN, wrote a flattering editorial about the Center's executive director Sandy Summers' work entitled "Another Hero for All of Us." See the editorial...
Medical students attack nurses
July 14, 2005 -- The Edmonton Journal did an article on the controversy surrounding the University of Alberta's Medshow where medical students sang the "Nurses' Song" that featured nurses as "whores" and "bitches" whose "incompetence" threatened to "make our patients die," but that they were qualified to "fill up my coffeepot" and "give good head." The refrain urged nurses to "show me those boobs." Click here to see the article.
"Stop Griping and Take Action"
April 11, 2005 -- Terri Polick covers our JibJab campaign, that features President Clinton groping two nurses, in a Nursing Spectrum article. Click here to see the article.
April 2005 -- Journal of Neuroscience Nursing editor Chris Stewart-Amidei did her monthly editorial on nursing media images, why they matter and how nurses can work together to change the coverage. The Center for Nursing Advocacy's influence was prominently featured. Click here to see the article.
Nurses and the Media: The Center for Nursing Advocacy
March 16, 2006 -- Richard S. Ferri, PhD, ANP, ACRN, FAAN, covered our work today with a Medscape interview with our executive director Sandy Summers. see the full interview... or here archived in pdf
Women's eNews commentator highlights nursing the media
March 30, 2005 -- Today the Women's eNews web site posted a very good commentary by Sheila Gibbons about the low visibility of nurses' work in the media, apart from stories about the nursing shortage. The piece explains why the news and entertainment media's treatment of nurses matters, and suggests that more attention to nurses' real contributions is a key part of overcoming the current nursing crisis. more...
Johns Hopkins Magazine covers Sandy Summers' work
February 2005 -- Johns Hopkins Magazine, which covers its University events, ran an alumni news story on our work. See the article in html or pdf.
Center's director discusses year-end awards on WBAI's "Health Styles"
February 18, 2005 -- Today, the Center's executive director Sandy Summers discussed the Center's 2004 year-end ten best and ten worst Golden Lamp awards on WBAI radio's Health Styles program, hosted by American Journal of Nursing editor Diana Mason, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN, based in New York City. see WBAI's web site...
Advance for Nurses covers the Center's work
January 31, 2005 -- Advance for Nurses' Kay Bensing, RN, MA, discusses the importance of the Center's work in a new article entitled Web Site Alert: Make the Center for Nursing Advocacy a must-view site.
Nursing Spectrum encourages nurses to join Center's work in editorial
January 17, 2005 -- In her editorial, Wendy Bonifazi, RN, CLS, APR, encouraged nurses to join the Center's advocacy campaigns as a New Year's resolution in this issue of Nursing Spectrum. See the article: An After-Holiday Nursing Wish List.
Skechers campaign coverage receives worldwide coverage
October 12, 2004 -- There has been a sudden worldwide resurgence in the past week of media coverage of nurses' successful campaign to persuade Skechers to end their use of the Christina Aguilera nurse ad. We are aware of new coverage of the campaign in media outlets from the following nations: United States (including MSNBC, The New York Post, and the Kidd Kraddick syndicated radio show); the United Kingdom (including the BBC and the Sun); Ireland; Germany; [other European], and Mexico. Most of these pieces feature a brief statement of Summers' objections to the ad, often including a quote from the Center's executive director Sandy Summers noting that the ad embodied both the naughty nurse and battleaxe stereotypes that have long held the profession back. See our full news coverage on our Skechers campaign.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "Nursing advocate bringing message of profession's value here."
October 12, 2004 -- Health editor Virginia Linn profiles the work of the Center for Nursing Advocacy and outlines some basic aspects of their work, with a focus on recent campaigns protesting harmful media images such as the Skechers Christina Aguilera ad and a "Jeopardy!" question that "hit nurses like a wet snowball in the face." more...
or archived here in pdf.
Working World covers the Center
Christine Contillo covers the Center's work in an article about how nurses can work collectively to improve nursing's media image. Click here to see the article.
Nurseweek interviews Sandy Summers
September 20, 2004 -- Bree LeMaire, RN, MS, interviewed the Center for Nursing Advocacy's executive director in a piece entitled "5 Minutes with Sandy Summers" in this week's issue of Nurseweek. see the article...
Modern Healthcare quotes our executive director
August 9, 2004 -- Today Modern Healthcare quoted our executive director Sandy Summers on how nursing uniforms affect the public's perception of nursing's value. See the article...
June 2004 --Nursezone writer Debra Wood covered the Center and our work in an article entitled "Center for Nursing Advocacy Aims to Improve Profession's Media Image" featured on Nursezone's news pages. see the article
AJN editorial urges support for the Center
May 2004 -- In the main editorial in this month's American Journal of Nursing, nursing leaders Claire Fagin, PhD, RN, FAAN, Pam Maraldo, PhD, RN, FAAN and AJN editor-in-chief Diana Mason, PhD, RN, FAAN called on readers to celebrate Nurses Week by supporting the work of the Center for Nursing Advocacy. The editorial explained in detail how Nurses of America, a project spearheaded by Drs. Fagin and Maraldo in the late 1980's and early 1990's, pursued diverse strategies to improve media coverage of nurses and had a real impact on public understanding of the profession. The editorial argued that nurses today, in the midst of a shortage that has become a "major public health crisis," must likewise "sustain a collective effort to shape media portrayals of nursing." see the editorial...
"Passions" soap opera campaign media coverage
February 7, 2004 -- The Center for Nursing Advocacy's campaign has received press coverage on our campaign to end the use of the monkey nurse on the soap opera "Passions." The story was covered in the TV Guide in February 2004 and December 2003, and in the New York Post in December 2003.
February 7, 2004 -- This week's TV Guide includes a special box below Michael Logan's "On Soaps" column about the efforts of NBC's soap "Passions" to have BamBam, the orangutan who plays Nurse Precious, be considered for a daytime Emmy award. The box also mentions the Center for Nursing Advocacy's campaign protesting the show's degrading vision of nursing--wrongly claiming that we had "blasted" BamBam himself, rather than the producers--and has a quote from "Passions" creator James E. Reilly (above) that beautifully captures the show's attitude toward nurses and monkeys alike. more...
TV Guide covers Nurse Precious campaign
December 26, 2003 -- TV Guide's online "Soapsnews" column, written by Delaina Dixon, this week included a "daytime tidbit" about the campaign protesting the use of an orangutan to play Nurse Precious on the NBC soap opera "Passions." This tidbit read in its entirety: "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has paired with the Center for Nursing Advocacy in its ongoing campaign to get Precious the orangutan removed from Passions." more...
New York Post reports on Center's "Nurse Precious" campaign
December 18, 2003 -- Today the New York Post ran a brief item by Michael Starr about letter-writing campaigns by the Center for Nursing Advocacy and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) protesting the use of an orangutan to play a private duty nurse on NBC's soap opera "Passions." more...
American Journal of Nursing publishes the Center's "Viewpoint"
February 2004 -- The American Journal of Nursing published an op-ed on our "ER" campaign in this month's issue. The piece was written by the Center's executive director Sandy Summers and senior advisor Harry Jacobs Summers. see the op-ed
New York State Nurses Association profile
February 2004 -- Diane Pineiro-Zucker, the Assistant Director of Communications & Public Relations for the New York State Nurses Association profiled the work of the Center for Nursing Advocacy for the February edition of the NYSNA monthly report. see the profile
"ER" Campaign receives international press coverage
February 2004 -- The Center for Nursing Advocacy's campaign to convince "ER" to portray nurses more accurately has sparked press coverage around the world. A Washington Post article sparked much of the press coverage. It was also covered by Agence France Presse, in Italy, the UK, Canada, Australia, Spain and many others. Our full "ER" press coverage is below.
Center's "ER" campaign earns extensive press coverage in print and broadcast outlets
December 30, 2003 -- Following the Center's distribution of a press release on November 10, numerous print and broadcast outlets have covered our campaign to persuade the NBC show "ER" to portray nursing more fairly. click here for updates ...
December 16, 2003 -- This week's issue of the Hollywood tabloid "Star" ("NOBODY KNOWS THE STARS LIKE THE STAR!") has a brief, somewhat ambiguous item about the Center's "ER" campaign in its "It's been a good week for...It's been a bad week for..." feature. more...
Agence France Presse reports on Center's "ER" campaign
December 04, 2003 -- Today the Agence France Presse reported on the Center's campaign to convince ER to portray nursing more accurately. more...
"ER" campaign hits Italian press
December 1, 2003 -- Today Italy's TV Sorrisi e Canzoni ran a piece by Antonio Mustara about issues facing "ER" in its tenth season, including the Center's campaign to persuade the show's producers to portray nursing more accurately. more...
Chicago Tribune: "'ER' nurses 'handmaidens?'"
November 30, 2003 -- Today the Chicago Tribune ran a short but very fair article by its television reporter Allan Johnson about the Center's "ER" campaign. see the article...
British Medical Journal highlights "ER" campaign
November 29, 2003 -- This week's issue of the British Medical Journal has a substantial article by Jeanne Lenzer about the "ER" campaign. more...
Spanish-speaking nations' press covers Summers' "Urgencias" campaign
November 25, 2003 -- The "ER" campaign has been the subject of recent articles in prominent newspapers in Spanish-speaking nations, specifically Spain's El Mundo and Venezuela's Clarín. more...
November 25, 2003 -- Today the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran an abridged version of Sandra Boodman's November 18 Washington Post article about the Center's "ER" campaign and a huge sidebar with excerpts from some of the Center's movie and television reviews. more...
Globe and Mail covers "ER" protests by Canadian blindness group and the Center
November 22, 2003 -- Today Canada's Globe and Mail ran an article by Guy Dixon that was primarily about the Canadian Institute for the Blind's protest of the November 13 "ER" episode, but that also reported on the Center for Nursing Advocacy's campaign about the show's portrayal of nursing. more...
Sydney Morning Herald reports on Sandy Summers' "ER" campaign, situation for Australian nurses
November 20, 2003 -- Today's Sydney Morning Herald carried a piece by David Dale, "Maybe it's something about the uniform...," which discussed the campaign to persuade "ER" to portray nurses accurately and the extent to which Australian nurses confront poor images in the media. more...
HealthDay summary on "ER" campaign appears on many health information sites in U.S. and Switzerland
November 20, 2003 -- A summary created by the widely distributed HealthDay news service about the November 18 Washington Post story on the "ER" campaign has appeared on many health information web sites, including the U. S. government's Healthfinder site, numerous U.S. press sites, and the Swiss Health on the Net Foundation site. more...
Roanoke Times editorial misstates basis of "ER" campaign, then attacks it
November 19, 2003 -- Today the Roanoke Times dismissed the Center's campaign to persuade "ER" to portray nursing more fairly in an editorial that appeared to be based on a misunderstanding of the previous day's Washington Post article about the campaign. more....
Washington Post highlights Center's "ER" campaign
November 18, 2003 -- Today's Washington Post ran a lengthy, very good piece by Sandra G. Boodman, "Nursing a Lousy Image--RNs Blame Crisis on TV's 'ER,'" as one of the lead articles on the front page of its weekly Health section. more...
Pasadena Star News: Center's "ER" campaign and new California staffing law
November 17, 2003 -- Today the Pasadena Star News published a good article by Michelle Rester, "Nurses want more accurate portrayal on 'ER' TV show," which reports on the Summers' letter-writing campaign and related efforts by a Pasadena nurse to improve the profession. more...
New Zealand Nursing Review profiles the Center's work
September 2003 -- Fiona Cassie's long profile of the Center for the New Zealand Nursing Review appeared this month. It also featured the Center's Kiwi board member Anita Bamford, RN, MA, PhD (candidate), who led the charge in early 2003 to stop Lion Red's use of "nurses" for their beer advertisements. more...
Nursing Spectrum profiles Center
August 11, 2003 -- Today's issue of Nursing Spectrum featured a lengthy article about the work by the Center for Nursing Advocacy to improve the image of nursing. See the article.
Center's director appears live on WBAI radio's award-winning "Health Styles"
August 1, 2003 -- The Center for Nursing Advocacy's executive director Sandy Summers discussed the media advocacy today on New York City radio station WBAI's Health Styles program, hosted by American Journal of Nursing editor Diana Mason, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN. more...
American Journal of Nursing profiles the Center's work
May 2003 -- This month's issue of the American Journal of Nursing, the official journal of the American Nurses Association, includes a full-page profile of the Center for Nursing Advocacy's work to improve the media's treatment of nurses. see the op-ed...
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